Kirori Mal College
(University of Delhi)
University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
(Phone No. - 011-7121 9084 : Email -
Print Date : 16-07-2024
1. Personal Profile
Title: Dr.   First Name: Mohammed   Last Name: Baber Ali img
Designation: ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR   Mobile No. 9868282488
Phone No. (Office) ----------   Phone No. (Residence): ----------
Email:   Webpage: ----------
Facebook: ----------         Twitter: ----------
LinkedIn: ----------         Instagram: ----------
Youtube: ----------         Research Gate Link: ----------
Google Scholar Link: ----------
Address: ----------
2. Educational Qualifications
Degree/ Certification Institution Year
M.A. (Geography) JMI,New Delhi 1992
PG Diploma in Cartography JMI ,New Delhi 1993
M.Phil. University of Delhi 1996
PhD University of Delhi 2004
3. Career Profile & Administrative Assignments
Category Role/ Designation Department/ Committee Date From - To Remarks
CAREER PROFILE MEMBER SPACE INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE किरोड़ीमल महाविद्यालय 22.Aug.2022 - 21.Aug.2023 Refer Staff Council Minutes of 2022
CAREER PROFILE CONVENER MUSOC – THE MUSIC SOCIETY किरोड़ीमल महाविद्यालय 22.Aug.2022 - 21.Aug.2023 Refer to Staff Council Minute 2022
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIGNMENTS CONVENER SPACE INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE किरोड़ीमल महाविद्यालय 08.May.2023 - Till date Refer to Staff Council Minute 2023
CAREER PROFILE MEMBER HOSTEL ADMISSION COMMITTEE किरोड़ीमल महाविद्यालय 08.May.2023 - Till date
4. Other Profiles
Other Profile Name/ Description

Module Name: M-11 Forest Resource,M-11 marine Resourcesfor Livelihood; Global,Regional and Local

Platform: ePG Pathshala-Inflibnet

5. Research Guidance
Year Guide For Title of the Dissertation/ Thesis Scholar Name Status
6. Research Projects
Year Title of Project Sponsorship Agency Duration Amount Sanctioned Date of Sanction
2014 Workers in fast Food Outlets: A glimpse of their Life University of Delhi 1 Year 300000/- 21.Feb.2014
7. Publications
Category Publication Name Title Name of Author Reference Link/
DOI Link
Land Use Dynamics and Impact on Regional Climate Post- TehriDam in the Bhilangana Basin,Garhwal Himalaya Sustainability Seema Mehra Parihar, Vijendra Kumar Pandey,Anshu,Karuna Shree, Khusro, Mohammed Baber Ali,Kanchana Narsimhan,Jeetesh Rai, Azka Kamil
(Joint Author)
Sustainability 2022, 14(16), 10221; August
The Idea of Geospatial-Gender- Based Data Infrastructure for Protecting Women Living in Post Covid-19 Created Global Village Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal Seema Mehra Parihar, Tapti Bannerji, S. Sonkar, M. B.Ali
(Joint Author) October
8. Books
Category Book Name Title Name of Author ISSN/ ISBN Number
9. Faculty Achievements
Year Category of Achievement Role National/ International etc. Name Date From-To
2020 FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ATTENDED PARTICIPANT University Enhancing Psychological Skills for Teaching and Practice 15.Sep.2020 - 29.Sep.2020
2020 FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ATTENDED PARTICIPANT University Enhancement of Teacher's Skills for Disaster Risk Reduction 16.Oct.2019 - 22.Oct.2020
Dr. Mohammed Baber Ali